
Welcome to the Web Site of Emmanuel Church, Sidcup

   This is a friendly church which extends a warm welcome to everyone who comes for worship, fellowship, support and friendship. If you are not familiar with our church, it is located just off Sidcup High Street (See the Contacts Page).  We hope you will take time to visit us as you will be made most welcome.    

Our Mission Statement

  • The Church is called to be the body of Christ, living the life of Jesus, as a light to the world.
  • We seek to be a lively centre of worship, with a warm and welcoming fellowship, actively leading people to God and nurturing the faith of those at all stages of Christian experience.
  • God’s people are called to make real the love of Christ, both for those in the church and the wider community.
  • Christians need not only to preach but must also live the gospel.

 We are a Local Ecumenical Partnership church, in both Methodist and United Reformed traditions and we welcome people of any or no previous church affiliation to join with us in learning more about the Christian faith.

   Our congregation is drawn from the very young to the not so very young, with a wide variety of Christian experience who together deepen our Christian commitment and understanding. Central to our life is our Sunday morning worship at 10.30 am. If you come on a Sunday for worship please stay after the service, if you can, for tea, coffee and an informal chat.

   The Church has a policy relating to the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults.  All users are required to abide by it.

   We also have a Coffee Morning in the Church Hall on Fridays from 10.30 to noon.

   Communion is normally celebrated on the fourth Sunday of the month whilst there is a Parade/Family service normally on the second Sunday of the month.

   If you want to know more about us and the activities that take place in the church or to contact us please use the links on the left of this page. 

   We are one of the 8 churches in the Orpington and Chislehurst Methodist Circuit
and are also an active partner in Churches Together in Sidcup.
   We are also part of a three church URC Pastorate with Geddes Place in Bexleyheath, and Bexley.

Our new URC  Minister is
Rev Rodolphe Blanchard-Kowal.

Church Magazine
We publish quarterly a church magazine called OUTLOOK. It is available to read online, see the Magazine page.

Please send items for publication to the Editor at

Please use the buttons on the left to explore the site further.

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Page last updated  11/9/24