
   We have a regular Sunday Service starting at 10.30am.  The Plan below shows the preachers and the special nature, if any, of the service.  Holy Communion alternates between the Methodist style, administered at the Communion Rail, and the URC style, served in the pews.

   You are invited to join us for coffee after the service.

Emmanuel Church Preaching Plan 2024

September 1st

September 8th

September 15th

September 22nd

September 29th

 Farringtons School

Mrs Val Loader

Rev Duncan

Mr John Twidale

Rev R Rodolphe






October 6th

October 13th

October 20th

October 27t

Ms Maggie Ayres

Mr Tony Ball

Rev Derek Stanworth

Mr Martin Leonard


Harvest, Parade



November 3rd

November 10th

November 17th

November 24th

Mr John Twidale

Rev R Rodolphe

Mr Tony Ball

Mrs Val Loader


   Remembrance, Parade



Page last updated 6/9/24

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